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Hair loss is a most common problem which affects millions of men, women, and children. Half of adults both men and women will experience hair loss of hair by the time they are 60, To loose hairs between 50-100 is normal which part of the......

The Norwood system of classification is the most commonly used classification for hair loss in men. It defines two major patterns and several less common types. In the regular Norwood pattern, two areas of hair loss gradually enlarge to produce a recession at the temples......

The Ludwig Classification uses three stages to describe female pattern genetic hair loss: • Type I (mild) • Type II (moderate) • Type III (extensive) In all three Ludwig stages, there is hair loss on the front and top of the scalp with relative preservation......

Hair formation, hair follicle development is an excellent example of two distinct developmental processes: epithelial-mesenchymal interactions and pattern formation. The differentiated hair follicle contains 20 or more different cell types. Melanocytes, which are responsible for hair color is neural crest origin, and with aging, their......

Many people have believes that “hair loss comes from the mother’s side of the family. There is a slightly higher frequency of inheritance from the mother’s side but male pattern hair loss is a genetic trait that can be inherited from either parent. Research suggests......

Hair loss is not only a physical issue; it can also have a significant psychological and mental impact. This impact may be more obvious for women but the effects on men should not be underestimated. Hair loss can result in withdrawal, anxiety, and depression. Research......

Hormones are biochemical products produced by various glands located throughout the body. These glands release hormones directly into the bloodstream, spreading the chemicals throughout the body. Testosterone, the major male sex hormone, and other hormones that have masculinizing effects are made primarily in the testicles.......

Hair is a complicated structure. It is comprised of the root (or follicle) and the shaft (the visible part of hair). The root is enclosed in the hair follicle and ends down to the bulb. Dermal papilla cell is situated at the base of the......